Ban Anime???

Crazy stuff. I was a bit scared by the 1960 signatures but then I had a look at them. It reminds me of the guestbook for - you get the nuts who actually believe that Anime is evil and that Catholics, gays, badgers, whatever, are destroying America; the people who take it seriously but are in the other camp ('Oh my god, I can't believe you people belive this [insert satirical article here]!'); and, occasionally, people who get it. Unfortunately it seems that, unlike landover, this guy is serious. And that frightens me.
Give it a rest, already! :rolleyes:

Two things wrong with this petition: 1) Free speech. 'Nuff said. 2) Don't like anime? Don't get rid of a particular form of entertainment that many enjoy because of a few bad apples. Most anime is not that gratuitous, but if it is there are safeguards in place to disallow minors or the easily offended from viewing it.

I hate it when people try to get something done "in the name of Christianity."
Originally posted by monktus
Btw, Stridder, have you seen Chobits?

i barrowed the first 3 from a friend and i love it, now all i need to do is find out where to buy it :-\
I'm sorry - I can't finish reading the 1st paragraph I'm laughing so hard!
Damn - I needed a good laugh! Thanks Stridder44! :D
They actually have 1964 signatures????!!!!
:eek: :confused:

I'm with you Gnomo! I've been wanting to go there for a while anyway! :D
How was it? The evil is in the eye of the beholder? ;)
You could start a petition to ban these 'undersigners' from the NET :D

I think the majority of the signers are pointing out why this is such a stupid petition, and what a moron the guy who made it is.
Originally posted by arden
I think the majority of the signers are pointing out why this is such a stupid petition, and what a moron the guy who made it is.

Yeah I realized that after the fact when I clicked to view the actual "signature". heh :p

BTW, I think it's a woman (Mother).
She probably bought the video for her 6 year old thinking it was a "Cartoon" and showed it during family-hour! Woops! :rollseyes:
The type of anime that the person is referring to is called "hentai" and is what people should be signing the petition against, not all anime in general. What an idiot.
I'm there... I just don't know if I can catch a spaceship to the sun in time. :)

Hentai is a perfectly legitimate form of anime that happens to be more gratuitous. That still doesn't mean they should try to ban it.