Ban The Fan

I don't know why, but it seems eerie without a fan! A loud one we can ban, but some of these new ones aren't so noisy so they're ok!
Originally posted by Lessthanmighty
Did you ever stick anything in a fan? Just to see what it would do. Thats fun! :D

No BB! You got it all wrong!
I think I should report this to the moderator! How would you guys call this? Parental Advisory, Explicit content???
"Stick anything in a fan!!:eek: :eek: :eek::p
Why do you all complain about the fan? I have a Quicksilver and I can hardly hear the fan. Sure, the old iMac is more quiet, but I have a PC next to my PowerMac, and there's a reason I turn it off at night.
Originally posted by voice-
Why do you all complain about the fan? I have a Quicksilver and I can hardly hear the fan. Sure, the old iMac is more quiet, but I have a PC next to my PowerMac, and there's a reason I turn it off at night.
uhh...we're talking about COOLING fans here man:D ...but don't worry it's COOL. hmm...i can't sleep with my mac turned on
*feels stupid*

So anyways, I have no need for my fan right now, it serves me well the 2 days of summer I have, though.