I fairly inexperienced with both UNIX and OSX and have a basic question about directories. I am using OSX 10.6.8.
I am getting started programming with C++ and when I compile basic file IO examples I am having problems with the directory used for file io. When I write to what I expect to be the current directory, instead my programs end up writing to my 'Home' directory' of the user account. Is there a way to fix this? Also a link to a good article about these path issues in OSX would be most appreciated.
I am getting started programming with C++ and when I compile basic file IO examples I am having problems with the directory used for file io. When I write to what I expect to be the current directory, instead my programs end up writing to my 'Home' directory' of the user account. Is there a way to fix this? Also a link to a good article about these path issues in OSX would be most appreciated.