Battery only holding 30 min charge!



Is this time to get a new battery or is there a way to revover? The battery monitor displays full charge and correctly states 34 minutes!
I have heard, that putting the battery to freeze, should recover it... I haven't tried it with computers, but with mobile phones it works. One of my friends has a freezed battery, and it works nearly as long as mine, which isn't freezed...So if you have nothing to loose, why not make a try?
Oh sorry, i meant freezer... Typing error..
So short freezin can give more life to your batteries. It forces the battery to "clear its memory".

Do like this (if you dare):

•Put the battery to freezer
•After 30 minutes you can take it away from the freezer
•Wait until it comes to normal temperature
•Try to recharge it.

But as I said, try it if you have no other option. But I don't know if the battery could explode. I don't think so, but you never know... At your own risk! =)

This thing works with mobile phone batteries, so why not with computer batteries/accus