Be joins the "Sue Microsoft" club


Unofficial Mac Genius
I have two words: GO BE!!

I'm glad to see that companies are challenging Microsoft. I'm also glad to see that 9 states are still in court battling Microsoft, no thanks to the other 9 states and the Justice Department (excuse my language, but f***ing Bush!).

Now that Apple has actively talked against Microsoft and is starting to actively educate computer users (Jobs' outrage at Microsoft settlement and Apple's official response to the settlement, the "Mac Myths" brochure and web page, and the "Everything is easier on a Mac." slogan), and now that Netscape and Be, Inc. have both sued Microsoft, I hope that people start realizing that Microsoft isn't the only computer company out there.

Let's hope that this is the beginning of the crumbling of an evil empire!
Onya Be! BeOS is one of the more memorable underdogs in the PC-OS race, and the power of it shows just how bloated windows can be. My old Pentium 166 can barely run Quake2 with DirectX at 10fps, but on BeOS with the same setup and same res it gets a massive 48fps.
Be are making MS look bad by putting out an OS that doesn't suffer from the "bloat" and doesn't make PC users feel like moving up to a new processor every few months.
So, yeah, Go Be! (Everybody loves an underdog, especially an underdog who puts up a damn good fight)
BeOS is effectively dead. The only reason they're doing this is because the firm is working on a contingency basis, otherwise Palm doesn't have the money for them to be whipping their junk out. Too little too late.