Beginners guide to Java


Unix Newb.
OK well after reading some of the posts on the boards here I've decided to start learning to do OOP and I figure the best way to do that would be with Java it seems like a very good start point. But there is one problem.... I hate using sites that expect you to be using a peecee or some other crap. Is there a site out there that helps beginners program Java dedicated to the Mac. I'll be using project builder and any thing that includes PB would be nice. Thanx in advance for any of the help I get. If you would like you can e-mail me
again thanx for any help :D
Objective-C may not sound like it, but it really is better than Java in my opinion. Especially if you're planning to use Project Builder or making apps that will run on OS X. I always found that for learning Java on any system, http:/ is a really good starting point. It shows you how to compile java programs on any Unix based machine with the command line.

However Objective-C is more powerful in my opinion. It only takes an afternoon to learn.
It only takes an afternoon to learn obj-C? Maybe if you've learned another object oriented language, but probably not if this is your first OO language. I think Java is an easier language to start off with, as it does garbage collection for you, and I think the syntax is slightly more readable (although I find the obj-C syntax to ultimately be more useful and powerful).

There are two ways to compile and run java code. Project Builder is way 2, but it's really just a wrapper for way 1, which is the javac and java commandline programs. If your going to do everything in Project Builder, you don't need to worry about that though, just create a new project of type "Java Tool". Now, you can create your source files and compile and run them from the easy interface in PB. So go ahead and read your windows-centric websites.

If you get stuck on any specific problems, post here and I'll try to help in any way possible.

Cool thanx for all the help I just read something comparing oop to writting a western novel ... made things a little clearer on the the whole idea of OOP still havent started anything like reading up on the actual code yet but im still wondering how all this makes it easier to write programs with a gui ? well anyway thanx ill probably be posting A LOT more in the future .... thanx:D
Because, you can have lots of text fields, and it would be nice to define a group of "stuff" that goes a long with text fields. Essentially, that's your text field object. Each text field is unique, but whenever you see a text field you'll always know what you can do with it (set it's text, read it's text, etc). It'll all make more sense the deeper in you get.

Cool first thing i need to do is get a book ... there is a book i saw that shows you how to make a tetris clone ... looks cool and sounds just like what im looking for ... thanx for the help ;)