Ben & Jerry's give free iTunes downloads and free ice cream 27 April!


Chmod 760
Staff member
Ben & Jerry's sweepstakes has iPod, iMac, 50,000 iTunes
April 21, 2004 9:00 am ET

Tuesday, April 27, 2004 is bound to be a busy day at Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shops. That's the company's 26th annual Free Cone Day. The first 50,000 customers in the U.S. who sign up for a sweepstakes at this year's event will also be able to get a code redeemable for a free song at Apple's iTunes Music Store. The sweepstakes grand prize winner gets an iPod, an iMac and a trip to Ben & Jerry's headquarters in Vermont to become an honorary "Flavor Guru," where the winner gets to make a batch of their own personal flavor of ice cream.

Ben & Jerry's expects the iTunes promotion and the free ice cream to be popular with young people. This year the company is also teaming up with Rock the Vote in an effort to help drive voter registration and encourage young people to become politically active. Starting on Free Cone Day, you can register to vote at selected Scoop Shops. Ben & Jerry's plans to hold additional voter registration days at specific shops this May through September.

Although voter registration and the free iTunes songs are something specific to the United States, Free Cone Day is something that happens at Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shops worldwide -- the company has more than 230 shops in the US, Canada, the UK, Spain, German, Korea, Hong Kong, Belgium, Ireland, The Netherlands, Israel and France.

Ben & Jerry's advises that free iTunes downloads are limited to one per person. Free songs will be available until all codes have been distributed.. < find your closest Ben & Jerry store. ::angel::

I love Ben .. and Jerry's ice creams, especially the yogurt tastes... so I will for sure be Benjerryspotting in all Ben&Jerrys I can find downtown. :D Plus fill my iPod...
well I think that apple is just trying to reach its 100million songs taget before 28th April! most people I would presume would go home and download the songs fairly quickly! I am a little shocked at my own sinocism tho. I actualy think that iTMS will have sold 100million by then anyway but this does seem like a last ditch atempt!
Giaguara said:
I love Ben .. and Jerry's ice creams, especially the yogurt tastes... so I will for sure be Benjerryspotting in all Ben&Jerrys I can find downtown. :D Plus fill my iPod...

You can fill your iPod will be one song full-er. I think you'll only get one redeemable song when you register, unless you bring friends and tell them to give the codes to you.

I don't think Apple needs to reach a certain mark or number of downloads. I don't think Apple has problems or have that as an issue. Given that the Pepsi (which I am 0 of 2! Even the 25-degree tilt trick didn't work for me. I'm such a loser - haha.) marketing was a success, it's time that other companies try it too.

Looks like I'm going to have to clear my calendar on that day. :) In hopes to get an iPod - if not a free song download.
Haha, they don't have any stores in Colorado Springs, but they do have 'em in the surrounding cities...