Best freeware anti virus app?


Hi all,

I've been surfing the net using both Safari and IE without any protection, my router has a built in firewall but I'm looking for a free anti virus application to run every so often to make sure I haven't been infected with spyware, virus' etc.

What would you guys recommend to do the job?

You don't need any anti virus programs on the Mac as there aren't any viruses. Same goes for spyware scanners too.

But if you are keen on running a virus scanner to catch Windows viruses (usually in Word files), you could use ClamXav that's free. Don't know how good it is, but I've heard some good reports.
I've heard virus' and spyware can effect the mac, its just that its not as likely to happen to macs in comparison to PC's. Viro thanks for the link tho, I'll check it out!
The same viruses and spyware that affect PC's will not effect your Mac. There are no known viruses for Mac, and very little, if any, spyware for the Mac. Only thing that you have to worry about on the Mac is pop ups and junk mail. But those are fairly easy to control :)
You dont need antivirus for Mac. There is not one virus for the Macintosh OS. :D Windows viruses cannot run on a Mac.

EDIT: There is also no spyware.
riccbhard said:
You dont need antivirus for Mac. There is not one virus for the Macintosh OS. :D Windows viruses cannot run on a Mac.

EDIT: There is also no spyware.
No offense, but didn't I just say that, more or less? :confused: :)