Best FTP Client for OS X

Do a search on for FTP programs and read some reviews. The two programs I use are shareware. While I own Interarchy, I much prefer Transmit by Panic .
what about the command line ftp client? (ie: open a terminal, and type:
mymachine$ ftp

It's really pretty easy, and I find it faster than any graphical client for quick batch snatches/puts.

some basic commands are:

ls list the current directory

cd <dir> change to <dir>

pwd print working directory ("show me where I am right now")

get <file1> <file2) get (download) the file <file1> on the remote server and save it as <file2> on the local machine

put <file1> <file2) you guessed it, put (upload) the file <file1> on local server and save it as <file2> on the remote server.

If you have used the shell at all, this will be hauntingly familiar, if not, hey two birds with one stone :)

That's enough for most simple tasks. The ftp man page (open a terminal, type "man ftp" without the quotes and press return) will tell you anything else you might care to know (or ask here, UNIX people love to proselytize :)

Anyway, the command line ftp client is an example of what the bsd subsystem can bring to people who care to look. It may not be your cup of tea, but I'll race you in an all out u/l d/l fest on your GUI ftp client any day ;)

allways allways ALLWAYS type:
before you transfer files. While its not required for html, for images, it is.

(bin switches from ascii to binary).

Also, if ftp is a bit too raw for you, ncftp is great and comes with osx.

I recommend reading the man page a bit first though. It is a bit un-orthadox.

ftp for ever, smb NEVER!
RBrowser for a graphical client, it's the best I've ever used on any platform.

For multi-platform (*nix) CLI client: ncftp.

Interachy's licensing sucks - avoid. It used to be a really good app, but I think they just got silly with the feature list (a skinnable FTP client...?!?!?!), and they started to get really stupid with upgrades / amounts to pay each time a point release came out.

They give shareware a bad name!