best port and device for video input on MBP


Hi, new to posting on the forums, long time reader...

I'm trying to digitize some home video footage to my MBP from VHS tapes, DVDs, and a TV show from DVR box. So I'm using either a component S-Video or composite signal to - some device - to the MBP. This is called "encoding" right?

Looking at buying either: EyeTV converter that outputs to USB, which is sold at the Apple store or a Grass Valley box, which outputs to 1394 firewire (400 and 800). Twice the cost, but better fps and quality on the Grass Valley?

USB or firewire? Which MBP input is best to use this purpose?

Thanks for any feedback
Without question, the best port will be FireWire. However, the port is only one of many considerations and is likely to be nowhere the top in among the things that you need to consider. Your limiting consideration in this instance is probably your content.

You are digitizing extremely low-resolution content in VHS tape. DVD is a medium, not a resolution. However, most commercial DVDs are 480p. A "TV show from DVR" is meaningless. Is it analog, low-resolution digital, 720p digital HD, 1080i digital HD, or a combination of these?
good points. The DVR material is low res on the digital cable box. A program I recorded not from an HD channels. Nothing is 16 x 9. The VHS quality is very poor and I don't want to loose anything in this process. I know it will look a little better on the small screen, probably 640x480. I still want the best replica of the poor picture quality as possible. Do you suggest firewire because of processing speed?
Some digital video components label their FireWire ports as DV for Digital Video. The FireWire port communicates video; it does not process video. The Grass Valley box must have a degree of intelligence because FireWire devices don't rely on the host.

A substantial portion Grass Valley's product line is devoted to professional video distribution. One would expect its products to be less compromised than elgato's. That said, several elgato products handle HDTV, both over-the-air and from other video sources. They all connect to their host via USB. I am aware of no problems with any elgato product. For all of USB's deficiencies compared to FireWire, USB appears to be sufficient to get the job done for elgato's customers.