I'm looking for serious beta-testers for two Mac OS X freewares (available at ) and a shareware soon to be done.
The freewares:
Resize! is a small app that resize folders full of pictures in one click. It's not very complex, but it works rather well and any webmaster will tell you it's useful
Image Browser is a program used to view huge pictures - you can download 8000*4000 pictures of the Earth on the website (40000*20000 coming soon!)
Both are available for Mac OS 7 to X and for windows.
In both case, I realy need serious beta-testers, willing to test them extensively! Support freeware creation
The freewares:
Resize! is a small app that resize folders full of pictures in one click. It's not very complex, but it works rather well and any webmaster will tell you it's useful

Image Browser is a program used to view huge pictures - you can download 8000*4000 pictures of the Earth on the website (40000*20000 coming soon!)
Both are available for Mac OS 7 to X and for windows.
In both case, I realy need serious beta-testers, willing to test them extensively! Support freeware creation
