Beta testers needed!


I'm looking for serious beta-testers for two Mac OS X freewares (available at ) and a shareware soon to be done.

The freewares:

Resize! is a small app that resize folders full of pictures in one click. It's not very complex, but it works rather well and any webmaster will tell you it's useful ;)

Image Browser is a program used to view huge pictures - you can download 8000*4000 pictures of the Earth on the website (40000*20000 coming soon!)

Both are available for Mac OS 7 to X and for windows.

In both case, I realy need serious beta-testers, willing to test them extensively! Support freeware creation :)

hi get redirected to
and i get this error message


This domain name is temporarly unavailable. Please come back a minute.
Ce nom de domaine est temporairement indisponible. Revenez dans quelques minutes.
Very very good idea. :) I'm going to try it now, I run a website.. this could be a VERY handy tool for me.
..Except the thumbnails turn out a larger file size than the originals, and they're 1/4 the original physical size.. I guess I'll need to stick with Photoshop.
-a problem with QT (unlikely if you are running OS X)
-your original pictures were in a low JPEG quality; simply change the quality setting at the bottom of the window
-you left the "create OS 9 previews" box checked; this option add a preview in the res, and when the created pictures are small, it can add a LOT to the size of the final file. Too many people are having problem with that... I will uncheck it by default in the next version.
Nope. :(

It would help if you could give me a good relationship between the JPEG quality of Photoshop and your thumbnail utility. Such as...

but mine is on a scale from 1 to a 100. From that you should be able to determinbate it yourself (ie, if photoshop use a slider from 1 to 20, then photoshop's quality of 10 is 50 in my soft)