better video card benefits


I have a 450Mhz G3 B&W with the stock 16MB pci video card. Would an upgraded (32 or 64MB) card speed up rendering within Tiger? Specifically the genie effect when minimizing windows(right now its ok, but looks choppy)? Also when using expose, while it is fast, it is choppy. Also my current card doenst support quartz extreme, is this a huge benefit in appearance or not? Thanks!
right: install the developer/X-code tools from the tiger disc. then spotlight "Quartz Debug", an .app should appear as first choice. in this, find Beam Syncing, and turn it OFF. then FORCE QUIT quartz debug (if you just quit it, it'll turn beam sync back on when you reboot). reboot.

especially on mine, the choppiness in exposé, genie and the dock disappeared, and was back to panther smoothness. good luck!

also, PCI is too slow for anything bigger than 16mb, it's just too much of a bottleneck (hence why AGP was developed)