big changes from versiontracker.


official breaker of macs.
a more specific feedback rating system and more complex layout :D . should be interesting.
I've been having issues with thier site for the past two days. I was wondering what was up. They also told me, months ago, that the changes would be on their way. So hopefully it's all better now.
I think the whole VersionTracker website stinks. I find it hard to interpret. I just don't like it much.
I must be from another planet. I like the new layout.

- You can access versions more easily, which gives more sense to the 'Tracker' in their name.
- Feedback benefits from its new layout.

The index page still scuks, but the rest of the site is clean to me. And anyway, I access to VT only through a javaScript which autmatically brings me to the adequate page. Try it:

javascript:q=prompt("Search Version Tracker:","");if(q)location.href='\? productDB=mac&mode=Quick&OS_Filter=MacOSX&search='+escape(q);