Bill Gates advertising the Mac


I just found the complete 16-page Apple commercial from way back, and take a look at this! Bill Gates advertising the Mac ;)

btw: the guy on the right, Fred Gibbons, reminds me of Sid Meier...


  • p11_small.jpg
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oh, then you will like this one. He once was cought driving without a valid drivers license.
Here goes:


  • gates_untershaft.jpg
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Hey, hey. Where'd you get that "Apple commercial from way back?" I'd love to see the rest of it.


A german site, but still great. Here are some features of their site you should check out. Compare to the other, known German site, the stuff this page shows is for real ;)

The prototypes. Check them out, they are great and REAL!!!

Newsweek: What you are searching for, the 16 page commercial from 1984

Confidential: All known Apple Easter eggs AND stuff Apple invented but never released...(not prototypes, stuff that was invented to be sold but didn't sell well)

Modelle: The Tech specs of ALL ever released Apple computers, in German though, but I think it is not hard to figure it out.

Hope you find what you are searching for. At the moment, the page loads very slow, maybe they are updating it or something, but check it out, it's a great site!

btw: I know that it is illegal, but could anyone who would be willing to share a version of the work-in-progress X86 Rapsody contact me? Thanx!
Heh, I saw that ad a LONG time ago. I was at high school freshman year, and we were looking through the archives of Scientific American, and we found one that had the whole 20 page ad in the center of the magazine.

The issue was September 1984 of Scientific American. Fitting, because that's the month I was born. :) That was also the first issue that this advertising appeared in Scientific American. I believe that the next few issues had the same center Macintosh ads to it. When I saw that, I scanned them all and printed them all out. I still have them somewhere. :) I had 'em posted in my room for a long time.

So there you have it. Just go to the library and I'm sure you can find that. Have fun. :)
Oh wouldnt it be grand ? ;-)
No M$, apple, atari and amiga would batte it out, apple would buy off atari (and it's GEM OS :p) -- Amiga would be big.... maybe apple and amiga would merge making a supercomputer company :eek: -- wow -- lets do it! ;)
Is it just me or did everyone in 1984 stand in a mid-pelvic-thrust kind of position all the time? I don't remember it like that at all. Maybe newer pants are just that much better. I mean, bell bottoms, we've come so far since then.