Originally posted by AdmiralAK
I never saw that movie...any good ???
as for the mugshot... man does he look like one nmasty, greasy, pimply, unbathed teenager
The movie was OK. It took some liberties with historical accuracy, but was quite entertaining.
I was at a conference a number of years ago, and Microsoft hosted a "Breakfast with Bill"-type affair, and got to meet Gates. As he sat at our table, he had that characteristic rocking action going on, and I had an almost irresistible urge to snatch his glasses off his face and clean them for him. There was also some other um... olfactory sensations as well.
I'm no Gates apologist, but in those days at least, it wasn't that he was a slob, exactly... It was more that he was so obsessively focused on the business and technology that nothing much else mattered. It's the kind of focus I've often wished I had. Becoming a family man seems to have got him to "clean up" his act a bit, but he's just as ruthlessly focused as ever. It's easy, and maybe a bit fun, to dredge up old mugshots to pick on the man, but I really don't think he's the same person he was when that picture was taken.
Please dont flame me...

I don't like what Gates has done to the industry, but I recognise that he's a really smart guy, and that, at least, I respect. I just wish that he'd used that intelligence for something more noble than total global domination...