Bill's New House


Bill 'G' lays foundations in quiet corner of the beautiful countryside of Derbyshire, England, for modest new house.


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We were walking past this huge quarry (yet another one) which has made a total mess of the area and my friend said "oh look, Bill Gates has commissioned a new house" and I took a photo of it. We're just taking the mickey out of BG and his $billions. It's the sort of joke that probably goes down better in Britain.:p

(Last time I was in that part of England, there was a hill there, not a hole)
Ah well, I suppose you had to be there!

I did think of e-mailing it to M$ but I didn't want to give them ideas:). There's enough green belt disappearing round here already.
lazzo - i got it right away. sadly funny. very funny actually, but to much like truth to laugh too hard at:p
You guys should see the president of Microsoft Canada's house that's being built in Oakville Ontario.

My dad bid on the mechanical for that house a while ago, but lost to a "friend" of the owner (MS Canada Prez). Those slimy buggers.

It's a 50000 square foot house worth about 10 million Canadian.

They had to tear the roof of the house off because the guy's wife is allergic to something they used for it.

Cost?: $700,000 Canadian :eek:

Oh, and the guy is so lazy, he's installing snow melting in his driveway :rolleyes: