Binary execution from other unixen ?


Simply Daemonic
I guess this is a good place to start conversation on this topic ;)

Here is a thought that ran in my head when I installed X11. First OS X can run classic mac apps and apps for OS X. Now it can run X11 apps as well.

Does anyone in the "near" future foresee the ability to execute binaries from lets say linuxen, solaris, and other unix based OSes ?

I am aware that they run on different processors but I am assuming that people would make some sort of processor emulator for this...or some ahrdware emulator that ties in seamlessly and invisibly with the OS.

any speculatiosns ? :0

Nope, VirtualPC is about as good as you'll get. Too difficult not only in they processor side of things, but in library linking, etc. Hell, you still have issues using some binary data files between chips due to endianness issues. A perfect example is the RRD file format that MRTG uses, the database file that works on Solaris, is useless on FreeBSD, you have to export it to text, and then import it. It would be infinately easier to just recompile the app in OS X, the work to get it to compile in OS X would be ten fold less then trying to run the binary.
