Birthday Gift - iPod


Doctoral Student
Well, my birthday is actually a few days away still, but my parents got me an iPod 20Gb for it. I can tell I was most excited when I saw my wife holding the package out to me (it was sent via the mail since my 'rents live in the US and I in Germany).
Well, my Dad said that he loved his iPod so much that I should have one too ;-)
As some of you know by my 'Custom User Title' under my Avatar that it said 'In want of iPod'. Well, I am no longer in want.
Any recommendations as to what I should change it to?
Hehe, very similar situation here, Diablo.
Also close to the birthday (not as close as you are), but I have a guess I won't be that lucky like you. I think I might get an iSight, since I do a lot of videochat with my parents and my brother. Anyway, it's good to be a son and have nice parents! ;)

About your avatar subtitle: since yours came true that quick, I could ask you for this: In want of G5pb! :D I am hardly waiting for the G5 powerbook and need some support...
thanks in advance
Zammy, as a Mac associate, and a person who lives in a town I spent some time in and enjoyed very much, I will change my user title to reflect the G5pb.
It is nice to be the son of fabulous parents like mine.
It's my big day soon, too, and I've dropped several not-too-subtle hints towards various family members.

Doubt if it'll come off, though. :(
Okay, quick question. I tried to Daisy-chain my iPod to my firewire harddrive (Harddrive to computer then iPod into the firewire drive), but my iPod won't mount. Any suggestions?
Make it "in want of G6 PB" as if you put the G5 they'll come out just the week after you get it with the graving.. :) Nice gift

diablojota, it should work. :/
Giaguara said:
diablojota, it should work. :/
I thought it should work as well. Do you think it may be that I am running OS X 10.1.5 and that the Firewire drive I am using is actually just an external case for 3.5" drives?
I would like to get this working. Wait, I remembered that it did work with my 2.5" firewire drive, but that was a true external.
Any suggestions?
well, 10.1 is kind of .. not teh most recent .. it could b that. (and 10.2 and 10.3 are a lot faster too)..
Ha! I know, I am working on getting 10.3. However, I won't be able to install till May at the earliest when i am back in the US for vacation.
Very nice Diablo! My girlfriend is getting me an ipod mini for my birthday which is in may! We should have a "got an ipod for my bday" club...yeaaaa. heh.
drunkmac said:
Very nice Diablo! My girlfriend is getting me an ipod mini for my birthday which is in may! We should have a "got an ipod for my bday" club...yeaaaa. heh.

Congrats! We should start a Bday iPod club!