I downloaded Blackbox window manager and compiled it, then created the ~/.xinitrc file and put this code in it:
xterm -geometry 72x34+100+40 &
exec blackbox
xterm windows open now without a titlebar at all, and a very plain contextual menu. Not sure if this is correct or not. I then run startkde and during the startup process the wm gets changed back to quartz-wm for xterm windows and withing KDE. Is there someplace in KDE to set the window manager?
xterm -geometry 72x34+100+40 &
exec blackbox
xterm windows open now without a titlebar at all, and a very plain contextual menu. Not sure if this is correct or not. I then run startkde and during the startup process the wm gets changed back to quartz-wm for xterm windows and withing KDE. Is there someplace in KDE to set the window manager?