Blank Startup Screen after creating new user


I had no problems with my MAC prior to creating a new user. When i created this new user, and went to restart the computer, all i got is a blank white screen. My Mac comes on and then goes through the whole powering on process and then instead of a login screen, i get a white screen. I was able to google some possible remedies and in doing that i found some tips that involved me going through the command line and messing around there. This seemed to have fixed the issue initially. I used the following commands:

# cd /var/db/netinfo
# mv local.nidb local.nidb.corrupted
# reboot

When i rebooted, it prompted me to fill in the missing Netinfo information (just like a brand new user). It allowed me to login and everything was great, but whenever i log out, i get that same blank white screen and then I have to restart my computer and it logs me in automatically. I do not want to set this user not to login automatically because then I am afraid that I will be back at square one.This presents an issue since i cannot login to any other account besides the new one I made after messing around in single user mode. Not only that, but once i did get logged in, i deleted the other user accounts(BIG MISTAKE!!) thinking that there was something wrong with these users and now i have no system preferences, or at least I cant get to it, but i am sure i can get the system preferences back, I would just like to have the option of logging into a different account. Does anyone know what else i can try to get back to my login screen? I am using an iMac 266, 10.2.8 os X. Thanks in advance!!!