Blindly using terminal to change monitor mirroring


I need some help here- my Powerbook G4 /10.2.6 is having major screen problems. I already have a full backup, so i'm not worried about that. HOWEVER, I want to sell this to someone else who wants to fix it.

The problem is, that I can't see the screen in order to execute commands/reformat, etc.

The good news is that the external monitor port works fine. What I need to do is to be able to switch the video into mirroring mode, from the terminal.

When I plug in the external monitor I get the dock on the right, so I can launch terminal. But then terminal opens on the other (bad) monitor, so I can't see what i'm typing. I've tried soem blind click & drags to get it to move, but no dice.

So what can I type into the terminal to get the video mode turned into mirroring rather than extended desktop (if that's possible.)

Never mind - I found somewhere that you can hit cmd-F1 and get into mirroring mode. Whew!