blocked while installing KDE


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
I have the following problem:

Failed: Can't resolve dependency "system-java14-dev" for package "libidn-0.5.1-5" (no matching packages/versions found)

[xxxxxx:lib/apt/lists] xxxxxx% fink purge libidn
/usr/bin/sudo /sw/bin/fink  purge libidn
Information about 3686 packages read in 3 seconds.
WARNING: this command will remove the package(s) and remove any
         global configure files, even if you modified them!

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
dpkg --purge libidn
dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of libidn:
 kdelibs3-shlibs depends on libidn.
dpkg: error processing libidn (--purge):
 dependency problems - not removing
Errors were encountered while processing:
### execution of dpkg failed, exit code 1
Failed: can't purge package libidn

I understand that:
1) I need libidn to install KDE
2) I need system-java14-dev to install libidn
3) Fink cannot find system-java14-dev
I think that all the system-* stuff corresponds to external software (to fink) and so you need to have the java dev kit from apple installed. It is available in the apple dev connection IIRC.