blue screen


iBook G4
PPC, 1.42 GHz, 1GB RAM

I just put this in a forum - should I wait to see if I get help from there (new to macosx)?
I was prompted to update Safari a few days ago and did so, along with Adobe Reader 8. After restart I launched Safari but then Ctrl-Q before it had done much (don't recall why). Next time I went to use her she was frozen. Forced shutdown. Start. Freeze or Blue Screen of Death. Now start leads to only blue screen.

What I've done: Booted from install CD
Re-installed system
Ran Disk Utility to verify/repair disk (have done this several times now)
Learned how to boot to safe mode (hold Shift while starting - stupid? question do I have to hold it all the way to password prompt or can I let go when I have a gray apple and the thingy going around like a clock?)
Ran fsck -fy from terminal
Looked at a lot of advice on the web that basically tells me to run Disk Utility but nothing past that if/when that fails to resolve issue
Fortunately I bought a 1TB ext HD a couple months ago and dl'd a freeware backup utility from sourceforge (PsyncX 2.2.2 by Dan Kogai) and ran it 1x - so now I have all the files, etc backed up. I am using Disk Utility to make this folder a disk image with the idea that I can restore my system from it.

Questions: Will this work? Pitfalls? Things I should know? Am I going to end up taking it to an Apple store for repair (out of warranty)? I also went to one of your sponsers (JustAnwer) but was not ready to shell out $ until I've researched it more completely myself with others (like you). I'm especially concerned with how to do this - nervous about erasing destination volume but probably no choice. If I follow instructions in Disk Utility's Help will I be OK?