Bluetooth and PowerBook G3



I have been searching google for the last few days on a post whether Bluetooth can work on a Powerbook G3 (Pismo)

The apple site says it only works on a PB G4 which their tech support confirms.

I have a xircom bluetooth credit card in the pcmcia slot and I can see it in the menu bar and it is recognised but that is about it.

Has anyone got a PB G3 with a bluetooth adaptor to work, and if yes which adapter do you use. (the DLink USB one is that any good?)

I have a ericsson T68 and a P800 and would love to get them to sync over bluetooth, I can sync my entourage contacts to my T68 over IR and use mobilesync which works great.

but it would be even better if i got bluetooth to work and sync my P800 mobile phone too.

i appreciate your help
I was able to get my Belkin Bluetooth USB Adapter to work. It worked as soon as I plugged it in.

Any word on your PCMCIA Bluetooth Card? My dad wants bluetooth for his PB G4, but doesn't want a usb adapater sticking out the back.
What OS version are you running? Jag 10.2.6 has additions that make bluetooth syncing much easier. I have a KeySpan and I've been able to connect to my Nokia 3650 and Tungsten T pda with two different G3 iBooks (a snow model and a clamshell graphite). The clamshell is also running 10.2.6, but I would think if it can sync, yours should be able to.