Bluetooth Error Question


and burn
as i mentioned in a previous thread, i recently acquired a sony ericsson T68i. i love it.

however (isn't there always a 'however'?), lately i can't seem to be able to make it receive files from my mac. i use the bluetooth file sharing app, or sometimes the bluetooth menuling. when i try to send files, it finds the device, it begins the transfer attempt, the phone says "do you want to receive?", and when i press yes, the phone just displays a "Recieving File" progress bar indefinitly.

Before, the mac used to display a progress bar that showed the number of KB transferred and a progress bar. now nothing comes up.

has anyone else had this trouble? am i missing something? could i have inadvertantly re-configured something?

well, yes. in order for it to have been transferring successfully earlier, it would have had to have been paired. so yes, it was paired. it still is. the phone is on, the bluetooth light blinks on the phone, the bluetooth USB adapter is plugged in.

as i said, i can initiate a transfer with no problem, it just never gets past the second step. the phone says " do you want to receive" and when i say yes, it just displays a bar forever, and the computer shows no sign of sending anything.

any sugestions?