Bluetooth HotSync using E2 w/ OS X 10.4 Not working


I'm awesome...seriously..
I just got my E2 in today and everything seems to be working great except bluetooth syncing.

Whenever I try to sync, I receive the following error on the E2:
"Unable to initiate HotSync operation because the port is in use by another application."

This error appears after about a minute of the E2 showing "Connecting...". My PowerMac shows that there is Bluetooth activity via the Bluetooth status icon in the menu bar until the error appears on the E2, at which point the PowerMac shows no more Bluetooth activity.

In HotSync Manager, I have the "bluetooth-pda-sync-port" connection selected, and the settings for the port are for a "Serial" connection at a speed of "As fast as possible".

I've followed all the directions on the apple help page but have had no luck.