After upgrading from 0S9.0.4 (first I upgraded to OS X, then Jaguar, then downloaded 9.1) I'm basically giving up on using Jaguar on the iMac. Any icons, application text, or Jaguar menubar text is slightly blurry, enough that looking at the monitor for more than a minute makes anyone looking at it dizzy or givers headaches. I have been on various discussion boards, tried many suggestions, and I was on the phone for most of the afternoon with Applecare. I have now upgraded the iMac to 9.2.1, installed the 4.1.9 firmware update, tried every resolution and smoothing setting possible (including using Tinker Tool), all to no avail. I also treid recalibrating using different gamma settings). Apple says my only recourse is to take the imac to an apple repair center and have a new logic board installed free of charge. I am reluctant to do this as the screen is nice and crisp under os 9.2, but everything is a little blurry under Jaguar. I'm ready to give up and go back to 9.2 so we can at least use the computer. By the way, I have a new ibook (with lcd screen, obviously) running Jaguar and it looks great.