Boot problem on PowerBook G4


When I boot up, the desktop comes and goes. It stays on for a second or two twice and then the screen goes completely blue for 30 seconds and this pattern just keeps repeating itself ad infinitum. I have reinstalled the original operating system 10.2.1 but to no avail. The screen is however stable when I insert the Installation CD and also when I install the Hardware Test CD and when I ran the latter no problems were detected. Any ideas?
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If you can, please post the spec of your computer. If you have added any third party components, (E.g, memory, etc), remove them before installing again.
When you reinstall, which method are you using? A clean install is best, especially if you are experiencing trouble.
Clean install is indeed best here, but if you have stuff on this box that's not backed up, then "Archive" install may be the right compromise. Try once using the "preserve user and network settings" options, see if that helps. If not, try again without "preserve."