Unofficial Mac Genius
For those of you that want to create an OS X bootable CD, here's the application you need. I know I've mentioned this before, but the newly released 0.3 has some nice features.
You can get it here:
The new image now has a RAM disk! This means applications that need to write back to themselves can, if they need to. Unfortunately, you're limited to 5 megs, so it will probably only work for preferences and stuff. also notes that disk utilities like Drive 10 should now work if you use the application to put it on the disk image (which some people have noted did not work with version 0.2). Hopefully Norton Utilities works too, so I can have a real OS X disk utility CD, rather than having to boot up in OS 9!
Just thought I'd let you all know of a new release of this indispensible utility.
You can get it here:
The new image now has a RAM disk! This means applications that need to write back to themselves can, if they need to. Unfortunately, you're limited to 5 megs, so it will probably only work for preferences and stuff.
This version of BootCD creates a 5 MB RAM Disk for various purposes. If you want to add things to the RAM Disk, drag them to the folder etc/RamDiskContents on the disk. Obviously, you shouldn't put more than 5 MB of files in there.
* This version of BootCD has the root password set to 'bootcd'.
* Please use Disk Copy and not Toast to burn the image to a CD. Toast messes with the boot blocks and will usually result in a non-bootable CD. also notes that disk utilities like Drive 10 should now work if you use the application to put it on the disk image (which some people have noted did not work with version 0.2). Hopefully Norton Utilities works too, so I can have a real OS X disk utility CD, rather than having to boot up in OS 9!

Just thought I'd let you all know of a new release of this indispensible utility.