Booting a B&W


Ok I baught a B&W stripped down -- No HD or CD .... it came with a MB, 350mhz CPU w/1meg and an ATI rage 128. I have since installed a HD preloaded with 8.6 (installed on a PPC 5400) 3 gig, PC100 64 meg ram, and a generic atapi CD-ROM. Reset the PRAM.

So now this is what happens. Hit the power button and I hear the chime but No video, So I try the Vid card in another PCI slot. Same results. I take out the battery and CD and HD. 20 minutes later I replace the battery and plug it in ( No HD or CD ) and I hear the chime ...still (NO SIGNAL) displayed on the monitor...

Can someone assist??? PLZ
This has been happining with my powerbook recently....
hit the programers button or the "reset" button... the button with a triangle. Wait 5 sec and boot up....
If that doesnt work, try unpluggin everything on the inside of the computer (RAM!)....
and also the bios battery (its in there somwhere) .... wait about 5 min and put the ram and hd in.... and boot up....
I am thinking it may be a video issue----- This system seems to boot but displays nothing on the monitor (ATI Rage 128) Nor do I have a mac compatiable vid card to test with. either way I get the chime upon hitting the power button (no video) If I hold down the (ctl, apple p, r,) buttons to reset the PRAM I get nothing.... Either way I have a nice B&W case, mother board and Proccessor any one wanna buy it :-)?
upon hitting the power button I recieve 4 beeps ... A little searching on apple lead me to article 58442 which states --

1 beep = no RAM installed
2 beeps = incompatible RAM types
3 beeps = no good banks
4 beeps = no good boot images in the boot ROM (and/or bad sys config block)
5 beeps = processor is not usable

I have checked the proccessor block and all it good .... correct settings ... Anyone have any Ideas ??? Or to get around this error??
