booting in Shell


Hello, I havbe a MAC G4 running 10.2.8.
Initially there was a problem recognizing any volumes. Couldn't see CD's, External firewire drive, smart media USB plug.
So I was "tinkering" in terminal.
NOW.... nothing.
When I try to start the machine the grey on grey apple comes up, stops almost immediaetly and I get a shell prompt akin to SH #2.05, or something close to that.
I know "ls" lists directory content, and cd changes directories, beyond that I am kind of at a loss.
Oh, what to do.
lamborn said:
Hello, I havbe a MAC G4 running 10.2.8.
Initially there was a problem recognizing any volumes. Couldn't see CD's, External firewire drive, smart media USB plug.
So I was "tinkering" in terminal.
NOW.... nothing.
When I try to start the machine the grey on grey apple comes up, stops almost immediaetly and I get a shell prompt akin to SH #2.05, or something close to that.
I know "ls" lists directory content, and cd changes directories, beyond that I am kind of at a loss.
Oh, what to do.

Do you remember what exactly you did in the Terminal? :p
You could try to type "exit" and see what happens. Normally, that should log you out and return you to a login screen.
Could also be the nvram being set to boot in single user mode. Reset the nvram/pram by holding down command+alt+p+r on startup, and letting it chime a few times before you release them.