bought a pc


so I must confess that I placed an order for a Dell Precision M60. I'm an industrial designer and needed to run CAD applications like Alias, Rhino, Solidworks, etc. It has a 128 MB DDR nVidia Quadro video card although it's a monster at 7+ lbs. and 1.75" thick (compare that to my Powerbook!). I'll use both but for different purposes. My wish is that maybe 5 years down the line, Apple will regain a foothold in the industrial design/CAD market. And my wish is that I could have bought a Powerbook G5 :P
There has to be some programs similar on the Mac side though. Heck, University of Cincinnati's DAAP (Design, Architecture, Art, Planning) college had required all students to have a powerbook. They're consistently ranked among the top colleges in those areas.

It seems they've allowed a few non-macs in specific area in the past year or so, but mainly still a mac-centric division. Architecture is still Mac only, Industrial Design is dual-platform.
I know I've looked. There's no sense in trying to get things to work running Virtual PC (too slow) and RDC (still have to have another PC). The industry uses Pro/E and Solidworks for mechanical design. And Alias and Rhino for surfacing.

I'm taking an Alias course at Art Center right now. It's either the SGI's or WinXP. It's unlikely SGI will port Alias StudioTools to OS X. (SGI owns Alias I believe so like Apple, they'd probably lose their hardware market).

There is Ashlar Cobalt which I'd consider, but only a few design companies use it. It's better to learn something most companies would hire for.