Breaking out the wallet...

No, not to write a check for one of those snazzy 970's apple will release in 7 days... but to buy some apple stock!

I was analyzing graphs of 5 years of apple stock, along with another tab open to 5 years of apple history products. Then after comparing AAPL stock to the SMP500, I determined that apple stock is mostly product line based in that if new technologies (especially processor based tech) were implemented in the computer line, the stocks will go up. And since word has it that some very enticing product announcements are to be seen soon, I swallowed my doubts about buying at a 52-week high, and made the calls. Attached is a jpeg file including the 5 year stock (sorry bout the crappy compression), along with the corresponding product line announcements. If you want a comparison with the SMP or whatever else, go to yahoo finance.

something to chew on: kinda funny how the market crashed mere months after bush's inauguration... hmm ;) :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by thisbechuck

something to chew on: kinda funny how the market crashed mere months after bush's inauguration... hmm ;) :rolleyes:

Yea, it's OBVIOUSLY Bush's fault. I mean given the fact that stocks were trading at prices much higher than they were really worth. Oh yea, and if Gore became President, this would have never happened. :rolleyes:
Keep this on the Apple topic, please. No politics in 'Apple News & Rumours'.
The G3/G4 was the introduction that produced the biggest spike, however this occurred during the tech bubble that burst soon after so it is really hard to say if the rise was due to the introduction or just the fever that was running wild at that time.

As an Australian I'm always a little hesitant to put money into US stocks. Although at the moment our dollar is quite strong against the green back so it is actually a good time. I'm still a little chicken about what the global economy is doing at the moment.

I might 'buy' some virtual shares.


Brooke ::ha::
The G3/G4 was the introduction that produced the biggest spike, however this occurred during the tech bubble that burst soon after so it is really hard to say if the rise was due to the introduction or just the fever that was running wild at that time.

about the overall "tech fever"... that is what I expected at first; however, although the incline was visible, there was no spike that is in the apple stock in any other tech stock index.

also, the world situation seems to be stabling out somewhat, and investors are more willing to start sinking some more money into american stocks. Things seems to be pretty much on the uptick in general.

I guess we'll see in 5days 10 hours 40 minutes...