broken iMac ??????


New Rhapsody User

My good friend from Iceland just got a new iMac, but he thinks there is something wrong with the graphics card. When he runs a game with OpenGL, it crashes. but when he turns off the OpenGL option in the game prefs, no crash! He cannot run any screensaver, because it crashes the iMac. no Unreal Tourn, no Quake, nothing that uses OpenGL. This sounds like a major problem to me. If you can make OS X crash by simply starting up a screensaver... holy crap! Is it possible for him to just take out the graphics card for now? or will that freak out the iMac?
I believe the graphics chip is integrated onto the motherboard.

Sounds like the OpenGL drivers have been munged. I would back up data, format the drive, and try resinstalling OS X. If that doesn't work, it probably is indeed a hardare issue, and since it is new he should be able to call Apple and get it repaired/replaced at their expense.