Built-in ethernet gone sour?


I recently had Road Runner installed and I am using a Motorola Surfboard SB4100 cable modem. I have a wired PC and a wireless PC (both WinXP)connected to a Linksys WRT54G v6 router. I am trying to connect a (wired) PowerMac G4 (mirrored door, 867 MHz dual) running OS X 10.3.9 (also need OS 9.2.2 to run EPSON Stylus RIP). The PCs work with no problems, but I cannot get the Mac G4 to connect to the internet via Safari or IE. I removed the router and PCs from the network and connected the ethernet cable from the modem directly to the Mac. I performed all the required power cycles and network setup (in OS X) as suggested by a Road Runner service tech, disabled firewall, etc., but still no connection to the internet.

According the the service tech, the IP address shown under "using DHCP" from the built-in ethernet is invalid and they believe my ethernet adapter is malfunctioning (I assume it generates it's own IP address if it does not receive one automatically?). They have reset the modem and verified the connection to my computer. Network status shows built-in ethernet is active but "may not be able to connect to the internet". The network utility says the ethernet adapter is active.

To make sure I didn't have a problem with the cables, I connected my laptop PC to the same cable and it worked fine. I also installed an older iMac with OS X (10.3.4) and it worked fine. I have isolated the problem to the G4.

How can I absolutely verify that I have a bad ethernet adapter versus a software glitch?

I have tried connecting two Macs together through a switch but could not get file sharing to turn on with the G4. Tonight I will try running disk first aid and possibly reload Panther, but aside from that is there anything else?

Thanks in advance,
Check if you can communicate with the other machines with that machine? You havn't accidently assigned your own IP address on the machine have instead of using DHCP? Otherwise by the sounds of its jiggered