Burner Stuff


Hey Everyone,

I've noticed something weird with my iBook (haven't tried this on my B&W). When I try to burn a CD in iTunes, it tells me disc burner or software not installed (I have the CDROM model, with an external BusLink 48x). But if I try to burn in iPhoto, it opens the drive and tells me to insert a blank. Is iPhoto compatible with more CD drives than iTunes? Has anyone else seen this?

I've gotten that too. My iMac has a Maxtor 52x... burner that iTunes does not recognize, but Toast does, up to 32x. I have no idea what to do about it.
Use Toast by Roxio. If you are in OS 9, you will need to disable the Apple burner extensions. OS X - no adjustment.
Yeah, I have toast for it -- I know it's probably not iTunes compatible (I bought it back when I had my PC laptop) -- I would have thought iPhoto would also not have recognized it, since it's a Mac App. Also, when I insert discs, the computer asks me if I want to intitialize them. I have not tried burning a disc yet in the finder. I find toast to be much better anyway.
