Burning 2X on 1X DVD media


I heard about a patch on Windows that allows Superdrive write always 2X speed.

Is there a MAC version of this patch?

Superdrive DVR-104
i've already updated my superdrive, but i can't
burn slow media ( 1x MAX) at 2x speed on my G4 with toasthttp://www.macosx.com/forums/images/icons/icon9.gif
Sorry for the mixup.. just do a search on google for 'burning 1x media at 2x' and you will get a lot of info on this matter. The problem appears to be that the firmware needs to have that information within it's tables. Some firmware have not been updated to show 1x media to be able to burn at 2x. I have Verbatim DVD-r media and I burn at 2x, but I don't know if my media is rated 1x or 2x. If I find the site that I saw the media tables at, I'll post it here.