Burning DVD - 4.7 GB?


I'm trying to copy a movie, which is 4.34 GB, onto a maxell DVD-R that supposedy contains 4.7 GB. When I try to copy the movie onto the DVD, a pop up says that there isn't enough space. I clicked on "get info" for the DVD, and apparently there are 10.1 MB on the disk. How is this possible when the DVD is brand new and blank?
I believe that, unlike a hard drive, recordable media has a slight bit of track data and rudimentary formatting info already "burned in" as part of the design. Plus, many factory-mastered DVDs are routinely larger than the current 4.7gb single layer limit.
The reason is due to this:
4.7GB means 4700000000Bytes, while 1000Bytes are not 1kb but 1024Bytes.
When you calculate 4700000000Bytes/1024 then you get 4589843.75kb.
4589843.75kb/1024 = 4482.27mb
4482.27mb/1024 = 4.38gb
Zammy-Sam said:
The reason is due to this:
4.7GB means 4700000000Bytes, while 1000Bytes are not 1kb but 1024Bytes.
When you calculate 4700000000Bytes/1024 then you get 4589843.75kb.
4589843.75kb/1024 = 4482.27mb
4482.27mb/1024 = 4.38gb

ecruz said:
I'm trying to copy a movie, which is 4.34 GB, onto a maxell DVD-R that supposedy contains 4.7 GB. When I try to copy the movie onto the DVD, a pop up says that there isn't enough space. I clicked on "get info" for the DVD, and apparently there are 10.1 MB on the disk. How is this possible when the DVD is brand new and blank?

Try a different DVDR maybe?
Hehe, I should stop flying over the threads. Just focused on 4.7 and 4.34 and the issue was clear to me. Sorry..