burning from iTunes problems


when i try to burn a CD from iTunes, i get this message. "CD burner or software not found". however, apple system profilers sees my drive and claims that it is supported for CD burning. also, i can burn from the finder.

this is annoying. any help?

i am running X.1.1, itunes 2.0.1, and it is an IDE combo drive from samsung.
you might start by installiing the new authoring support extension released yesterday. if your software update doesn't pick it up, try macupdate.com . itunes 2.0.2 might also be a good upgrade. i remember it was released very quickly after 2.0.1 to fix some bug.
ummm.... i'm running OSX 10.1.1, so i don t think i can use the authoring extension. that s just for OS9, right?
i'm not really sure how disc burner works. iknow that toast for osx won't work right if all the 9 stuff isn't in it's proper place.