Business Week Rates Apple's Board Among the 8 Worst In America

I dont care what these clowns say about Jobs... At least he's humble now that he's back at Mac... Unlike Mr. Gates, who still obsesses to rule the world...
Ugh, let's not get stupid politicians involved in this, anyway.

btw, Hasn't the media also been fond of crying "Apple is doomed!" in the past? Apple has never been a completely traditional company in the way it is run. So far, it works.
From what I understand the whole concept of Apple... is to "Think Different" so far it has... and this is why we see people like me who were once die hard Wintel fans... Switching... We want something "Different." We want to get out of the "Windows" world of "Thinking."

Jobs may fly around in a 90 million dollar jet... but he still knows what Apple needs to go way ahead of Gates and his Wintel systems... Let's not forget who stole from Jobs.... and called it innovation way back in the early 80's...

As for the Bush comment I prefer to leave him out of the Mac community... unless of course he himself has a reply about world domination. :D :p
Originally posted by MacLuv
Can you point out in one way Apple has "thought differently" in the past year?

Hmmm... This year with the introduction of it's Emac? or shall we say I-Mac 17'' monitor... or better yet... Mac OS X Update 10.22 does this count at all? (Even though I feel this whole post was baited against me... but I don't know :p)

It seems you've stepped through Apple's revolving door. I'm wondering how many people that were die-hard Apple users have traded places with you and gone to use the other OS because they want something "different"?

True I see that your implying that to make the "Switch" to apple is just as easy to make the "Switch" to Wintel PC's... See Gateway 101... Ads and Intel 101 ads... Which has been rough on Apple... or has it?

Is Apple's board, as rated among the 8 worst in America, prepared to compete with Microsoft head-on or is Steve Jobs just a two-trick pony?

Actually I have to scratch my head for a moment and say your right... yes... because as long as Jobs doesn't have as much Market flow with Apples vs Wintel machines he's kind of stuck... right?

I don't know. Who stole from Jobs and called it innovation back in the early 80's?

See Bill Gates 101... Read the book "Pirates of Silicon Valley..." or see the movie...

If Jobs knows what Apple needs to go way ahead of Gates and his Wintel systems, why isn't Apple way ahead of Gates and his Wintel systems?

Another good question... Maybe it's because Jobs never gave or let cloners out when his OS was availible back in the 80's like Bill did... and yes I am familiar with the bad attempt to do so which Jobs, pulled the plug on way back in the early or mid 90's. Apple also is unfortunately not ahead of Wintel systems in my opinion because of it's marketing strategies. I could be wrong.

The topic here is BusinessWeek rating Apple's board among the 8 worst in America. If one does not agree with this article, I would appreciate it if valid points of argument were made rather than taking the opportunity to ingeminate superfluous praise for Steve Jobs or Apple Computer.

Your right sorry about this mishap.


Originally posted by MacLuv
From Business Week

It seems that I'm not the only person concerned about the board at Apple.


We should have a competent team running the show. As some of us depend on Macintosh products to make a living, having a board rated among the 8 worst in America is not very appealing to investors--and therefore may doom us to participate in what I have dubbed the revolving door business model.

Please read the article and tell me what you think.

I'm not sure that the CEO of a company should have his money inside the company. Why not his guts in the hands of the banks ? A good manager must be able to lead his company, and still have a private life. He must be able to survive his company, so that he can make the company survive him. He must of course be a champion, he still is an employee.