Buy New Router Advice?


I could use some advice concerning which router to buy. I'd like to find a new router that will be very simple to connect and use. Need to connect my PowerMac 7300 and iBook G4, and if possible, our PowerBook 540c, and maybe even one of our SE/30s(?).

Any advice on what would be a good inexpensive router to purchase?


The easiest but also (almost) most expensive way: Apple Airport (Extreme) base station.
The cheapest (I believe): D-link router
I would go for a wireless lan one which supports 4 lan comps and has an access point for your current iBook and upcoming macs or pcs. Shouldn't cost more than $50 or 40EUR

And welcome to the forum :)
As long as you don't have to run too much cable around the place, a simple wired one from D-Link or Linksys will be the cheaper and easy option most likely. So if all your computers are in the same room, I'd go for that.

If you want to keep the iBook mobile, then the D-Link DI624 might be something to look at. It'll give you 4 std ports for computers to be wired in, plus 802.11g/b wireless. CDW has them for $99.
Airport Express wouldn't be a good idea, since it just has one lan plug and this you should connect to your modem. So with Airport Express you will need to have airport cards in all your macs. The price is another contra since you might not be really interested to the audio out option