Buying an iBook - had some questions


Hi guys, I've wanted a Mac for a long time and finally bit the bullet and bought an iBook (the second config from the left in the Apple store - 12.1"/800Mhz), and had a few questions:

1) Is Quartz Extreme supported?
2) Can I use a SO-DIMM with a "2 Inch Clearance" in the memory slot?
3) What applications should I install right after getting it?

Thanks in advance for your advice,

Hi gleffer, congrats on getting a Mac

1) Check out
for info on QE support - also take a look around here on macosx for the thread about QE support

2) Dunno - I leave this for someone who knows about such things

3) Wow! what a question?
Really depends on what you want to do on your mac?
It's not a bad idea to run Software update (in system preferences on X, control panels on OS9) to make sure you've got the latest and greatest from Apple.
If you're working in X then get Safari (on the apple X downloads page) it's better (IMHO) than Internet Explorer.
MSN messenger isn't bad for a Microsoft App for messaging.

After that... who knows?
Fire or Adium for instant messages

GraphicConvertor and Konfabulator I'd rank as the best shareware apps around

Consider installing Fink and Apple X11 if you want to muck around with Unix stuff.

Roxio Toast (available in a few versions at different prices) is great for CD writing.

VideoLan Client is handy for Divx files.

Among others I keep in my Dock are PhotoShop, Illustrator, DreamWeaver and MS Office.
BBedit - take BBedit lite (that is free) and if you like, then update it.

Image Indexer and Kunvert.

those, and most software you will need you will find in - serach in the OS X category (unless you use 9) - browse for some time also looking for something you'd like to try, there are sure a lot of things to try.. ;)
Also, I just read the thread about OS X 10.2.4 breaking batteries, and it seems the problem can be avoided if you have the battery removed when you install the update.

Will an iBook run off of AC power without any battery installed?

Yes, it runs also without the battery ...

I had the battery killer update. You could probably enjoy as well running only the 10.2.3 combo update ( get it from apple's site; > macosx > downloads > search for 10.2.3 ) ~ 10.2.5 should be anyway out quite soon (and that should fix the battery thing. except once it has started doing it, it continues..)