Buying used Macs...


Hi, I'm looking for an good online store that sells used Macs. Specifically, I'm looking for a used 1GHz eMac. Since I'm up in Canada, it would be ever better if anyone knew of a Canadian store, but a US store is good too.
ebay might be a solution. or google. sorry, i'm not that helpful, probably. but there sure have to be some canadians around here?

and: does the canadian apple store offer refurbished material?
You will probably get the best bargains on ebay and dealaMac. Small Dog often has that model eMac on sale refurbished. The savings are not tremendous but you get the same service plan as buying new and the shipping to Canada via UPS is reasonable. Though I must say, I had to return some incorrectly labeled RAM to Small Dog once and while they did exchange it, their sales support was hideous and they did not reimburse me for the shipping expense. But others rate them highly, so go figure.
why dont you buy refurbished from apple?

they have a 1GHz eMac for $699 US

pretty damn cheap and comes with a full apple warranty
Hmmmm, whats this dealamac? I've actually never heard of it before, but it looks like a pretty neat site. Is it a reliable place to find good deals?
I wouldn't recomend ebay. Last year I sold my G3 clamshell ibook for ~ $ 800. If this isn't telling anything then... :p Honestly, if used macs are sold for almost the price of new ones, on ebay, I rather save some money and buy directly from the Apple store or an apple reseller.
Personally I don't know why people are so crazy to spend so much money on old machines. Yes, Apple products have a great resell value and offer more quality/ reliability but these high prices (for used products) are just plain odd.

The only thing I use ebay for os buying lots of Apple "gadgets"/accessories which are often sold for good prices.

For examble, I got a black apple pro mouse for ~ $ 20,
a graphite airport station for $ 60,
a black pro keyboard (defective) for $ 5, which I was able to fix myself.

Hm, I don't know if these said prices applies for the US, whatever ebay, but that is the impression I got from German ebay site, and I've been searching for a well priced, used G4 tower for months (on the German ebay)
don't go used! i have bought 2 macs used/refurbished (1 was a B&W G3 the other was an iBook) Both had/have serious problems. the G3 had dead motherboard within 3 weeks and the iBook has (i think) a damaged hard drive

but hey i'm not you so do as you will
does the canadian apple store offer refurbished material?


This has been a sore point with the Canadian contingent. You'd have a hard time convincing me that all Apple products that require refurbishing all emanate from U.S. sources, while on the other hand all Apple products sold in Canada never require any refurbishing whatsoever. Not only that but it would appear from the ordering routine that Canadians are unable to purchase Apple refurbished products from the U.S. Apple Store. I was also surprised to learn that also does not permit Canadians to purchase their refurbished Macs.