C(++) Compiler


Hi everyone,

I want to start programming with C and I am searching a usable programming environment for that. Does anyone know something that isn't too costy and is not as limited as CodeWarrior Learning Edition where you only can have 32 files in your projects and are not allowed to share your wirtten programs with others.

Thanks in advance,

Jaguar aparently comes with gcc which will work with c/c++ and java. You can find out more info at http://gcc.gnu.org/

At school (high school) we use codewarrior learning edition which I find fine but as you stated its not made for big projects.

I too would be interested to see what tools people use to program with on OS X as I am going to be getting a mac and want to do some C++ and Java.
The project builder that comes with OSX (on the developer CD) is great. I've been using it for some time now and have finaly given up on codewarrior. it's free, easy to use, and powerful. Plus it uses gcc, which is a great compiler. Has lots to offer! Give it a try.