C++ In Xcode


I use Xcode to create C++ applications. I am new at C++, so I haven't had a chance to really use Xcode much. I know that there are things you can create with C++, but I need an application, and the only thing that works for me is createing a cocoa app, deleting everything except main.m, info.plist, and infoPlist.strings(English). I then rename main.m to main.cpp, and everything works, however, isn't there a simpler way. A carbon app also works, but there's too much to delete. Note: I have no idea what those plist things are, although they look to me like they use XML. Anyways, please help.
Create a C++ Tool project. Doing so will let you write command-line C++ applications that let you concentrate on learning C++ without having to worry about the Cocoa and Carbon GUI frameworks.

If you want to create GUI applications in C++, you're going to have to use Carbon or a cross-platform toolkit like Qt. You could also use Cocoa, writing your GUI code in Objective C and the rest of your code in C++.
if you in the end want to make a nice gui app, or just be able to use the power of interface builder and cocoa bindings etc.. you can also mix obj-c and c++ (=objective-c++) in files that end with a .mm extension, and call functions in c++ classes from obj-c and vv.