Cable TV File Transfer


hey -

i have a motorola hdtv cable box which has two firewire ports on the back. the cable technician who recently serviced my box told me that it was possible to export programs recorded on dvr to a mac via these ports. i have been playing with it, but can't seem to get it to work. any ideas?

What cable comp do you have? Most Cable comps make it so that the USB abd Firewire ports do not work. So the MPAA don't sue them. you can by the same box right from motorola then the boxs USB and or Firewire ports will work. I don't think the tech in this case know what he was talking about or he may have ment a Windows Box not a mac.
camgangrel21 said:
... Most Cable comps make it so that the USB abd Firewire ports do not work. ...
Do you have documentation for this contention? IIRC, FireWire ports are legally mandated on HDTV cable settop boxes. This does not mean that box transmits everything over the FireWire cable. It may be that the FireWire ports are [contractually] limited to less than maximum resolution. Lower resolution is not the same as not working.
@MisterMe I use to work for Cox upto 3/06 and there boxes have USB 2.0 and FireWire 400 ports on them. But due to B.S. from the MPAA we could not trun them on with out being sued by the MPAA. Becasue as the MPAA pointed out to Cox that if we made the Boxes abled to move over Shows off of them they would sue us under the DMCA. So as the law sets as of right now, no Cable comp will put there nicks out to just have it cut off and shoved back up are back sides.