Call Waiting No Longer Waits


'Allo. It's me again, and suddenly, I'm having more than one problem with my Mac Mini.

Cid (my mac mini; a much shorter name than Mac Mini, so I'll be using it to refer to the computer) used to tell me when I had a phone call while I was on the internet. There used to be a very handy box that came up when I received a phone call, that said, "You're receiving a call from so and so, would you like to take it or ignore them?"

It doesn't do that anymore. Instead, the modem picks up a call waiting signal, then chokes. (I've listened to it on the phone, and know that the sounds it makes are not normal.) Then, it makes noises like it lost its carrier and wants to connect again. If the caller hangs up and the call doesn't get routed to our phone's voicemail, then everything continues as normal. BUT! If the caller doesn't hang up, and the call goes to voicemail (after four rings, supposedly), the modem continues choking, and eventually dies, dropping my connection, and saying something to the effect of, "The other side hung up unexpectedly."

And of course, the first questions, the simple ones, can be answered in the affirmative: my phone lines are connected, my call waiting service is not turned off before I connect, and the "Notify me of incoming calls while I'm on the internet" box is checked in the Modem panel of the Network preference pane.

Dialing is set to pluse, sound is on, it waits for a dial tone, does not have error correction on (even if it does, that does not seem to make a difference; believe me, I've tried). Country setting is United States, and according to Cid, I have an Apple Internal 56K Modem, v.92.

My thoughts are strange. I think that the phone company has changed the call waiting specs and won't tell anyone. Doubt this is the case, though.

I've been through every setting I can think of, and can't seem to think of a reason this should be happening. Any help you guys can offer would be MOST excellent.