Can a remote event wake my iMac?


I have an iMac that serves a small website. I have a DSL connection. The router keeps the DSL active all the time. The router also passes events on port 80 to the iMac. The web site gets very little use but I like it to be accessible all the time. However, I also would like my iMac to go to sleep when it's not being used, which is most of the time.

When the iMac goes to sleep, no network events will wake it. I can't share files, print (the iMac serves the printer) or access its web site without physically waking it up. I have "Wake for Network Administrator Access" on.

Is there a solution?
You need to send some "magic" packages to wake up your sleeping iMac. I have seen an app "wakeonlan" that can do this. Dont know if this is a solution for you though.