Can an iMac share the internet to 2 computers via "Create a Network" ?



Can an iMac share an internet connection to 2 computers (1 a mac laptop, and one a Windows PC) ?

If so, is there any trick to this ?
or any suggestions to make the PC live happily in this environment.. currently the PC will connect to the network but not get internet.

thx. :)
No trick. You have to connect the iMac to (wired) Ethernet internet access and can then share that connection through WiFi. The Sharing preference pane has all the info. If not, there's "Help" in System Preferences. What you _can't_ do is access the 'net through WiFi and share through WiFi at the same time. But that would be stupid, anyway, because then all clients could simply use the existing WiFi net.
Oops.. sorry, I think perhaps I was unclear..

what I want to do is
Share the wired internet signal coming in from the wall into an iMac with an airport card.. create a wireless network and share the internet signal with 2 other laptops.

you message confuses me because there is no existing WiFi net, I want to create it using the airport card in the iMac (turning the airport card into somewhat of an airport base station.. sharing it's internet with more than one wireless computer)
Well then forget everything after "What you _can't_..." in my post. Just do it. :) It'll work.
OK thanks..

I haven't been to the location yet... my friend was telling me her problem and I'll go visit her to help with this.

She may already have it connected correctly, but reports that the PC (w/ a linksys card) fails to get internet even though it's connected. She also said it appeared connected once but dropped off.. I have a feeling I may end up calling Linksys. /shiver/

thanks for your help :)
I'd try it with an _insecure_ WiFi network first. Without a password or anything. If that works, it's a matter of finding out which encryption type works for all devices, I guess.