Can buying cheap ink-cartridges harm my printer?


Barking at the moon.
My printers starting to run low on ink and I need some new cartridges (duh) but I don't really want to spend $50. Who does, right? Anyways, I went looking on Google and found some online sites that sell these cartridges for my printer (Epson Stylus Photo 820) for really cheap, like $25 for BOTH the black and the color and including shipping. That's a deal if you ask me, but should I worry about these fouling up my printer at all?
Hey Macko...

I have the same printer and I have been using generic inks from for about 4 months now. They are garunteed (sp?) and I have had only one problem with the printer not ready one....this led me to their customer service dept which promptly sent me a new cartridge free of charge. So far, no adverse effects at all. It's great, they are way cheaper.

That said, while I still have about 3 or 4 color and black cartridges left (I bought in bulk) I am going to get one more round of Epson ink to compare identical prints to see if the ink makes that much of a diff on this economy printer for photo printing--I've heard it makes a pretty big diff on the larger format printers. All-in-all though, I am very happy with the generics.

On a somewhat related you print in 9 or X? I was going into 9 until I downloaded GIMP print drivers for the's pretty rad all the options in there....makes you wonder what Epson is spending their time doing. The only down side is simply selecting between the two printer drivers (yeah, I left both there for comparison) produces a pretty noticable shift in color. Very weird. I am still playing with everything. Cheap inks help offset the cost of piles and piles of test prints.

What system are you running. Mine is listed in my sig....if anyone can help me calibrate this thing I would be forever grateful. Sorry about getting off-topic, but it does relate to the Epson :)

Here's the link where I get my stuff...later
Wow, thanks for the info and link. Actually I print in 10, the CD that came with the printer has drivers and software that does the calibrating, nozzle cleaning, toner level check, etc. all in OSX. I'm pretty sure you can download the stuff off their site, but if not let me know. ;)

I'd also really appreciate hearing about your cheap ink vs. Epson ink photo test .. I too print out digital photographs every now and then, and would be interested in your results.

BTW, I'm using OS 10.2.2 on an eMac
all i can really say is that in over 2 years, cheap ink hasn't hurt my printer yet that i can tell. i print a lot more text (papers) than anything else and i often go for a month or more without printing anything.
I'd be interested too - I just bought 50$ worth of inks for mine. :(

But then again, I am now doing a good amount of photo prints, projects for clients and portfolio pieces - but $50 still hurts on a low budget.

I am thinking on investing on a cheap 2nd Printer for lower-quality and every-day prints and only buy the cheap inks for it. :)
Cheap inks are great (in cartridge form), but my understanding from various printing reps like Canon say that this is ok BUT 're-fiiling' cartidges is a big no-no (may damage printer)! I can't remember the techical details (as i'm sure someone will ask) but the cartidges are only designed to be used once due to heat.

So go for cheap cartridge companies than 're-fill' options from others.

P.S I know a Canon rep told me but I'm sure he would not fib to a major account holder:rolleyes: